Current Issue

Volume 27, Number 10 - 3 October 2022
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This month: October 2022
What does salad have to do with racial justice? Promoting solidarity in the time of COVID-19
In the late spring and summer of 2020, a local build-your-own salad restaurant chain, along with many mid-size corporations and local non-profit organizations, sent an e-mail statement in response to the death of George Floyd by the police. A thematic analysis of 81 organizational e-mail messages identified the use of both internal and external appeals for action, although organizations chiefly focused on internal actions. This analysis revealed that these e-mails primarily offered solutions that invited or highlighted Black participation in their business enterprises, a kind of “salad solidarity”, a genre of promotion that simultaneously appeals to consumers and social change.
Also this month
Awareness systems or echo chambers? Latin American journalists’ usage of Twitter as a news gathering tool
Twitter holds the potential to help journalists — especially at independent news organizations in the Global South with limited resources — to diversify their news gathering beyond reliance on traditional gatekeepers. However, both Twitter’s design and journalists’ news gathering routines may be reinforcing, rather than breaking, media echo chambers. This study gauges how journalists in developing countries are using Twitter and whether new tools for interacting with the platform might help them access a greater diversity of online voices.