IAMCR Webinar Series

The IAMCR Webinar Series aims to open channels for engagement and participation in addition to the association's annual conference, keeping IAMCR members connected and engaged with regular dialogue about issues of importance to the international media and communication research community.

Webinars are organised by members, with the support of IAMCR’s thematic Sections and Working groups or its Committees and Task Forces. They can include roundtable discussions, paper presentations, book launches, interviews, etc.

Webinars are open and free of charge to all IAMCR members, although spaces may be limited. We use the Zoom platform and pre-registration is required. A limited number of invitations for non-members may be available.

The IAMCR Webinar Series is coordinated by IAMCR vice president Andrea Medrado.

Watch past webinars on the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo >>

Interested in Organising a Webinar?

7 October, 2022 - IAMCR hosted the 2022 Presidential PhD Research Webinar titled “Communication, Citizenship and Representative Democracy: Theoretical and Practical Approaches”. 
IAMCR invites applications for the 2022 IAMCR presidential PhD Research Webinar on “Communication, Citizenship and Representative Democracy: Theoretical and Practical Approaches” convened by Nancy Gakahu, University of Leeds, UK.
20 June, 2022 - The Journalism Research and Education Section sponsored a webinar / book launch to discuss several recently released or forthcoming books. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
7 June, 2022 -IAMCR's Communication Policy & Technology Section organised a webinar to present the book “Concealing for Freedom: The Making of Encryption, Secure Messaging and Digital Liberties”, co-authored by Francesca Musiani and Ksenia Ermoshina.
IAMCR is initiating the Presidential PhD Research Webinars to open up channels for greater engagement and participation, keep IAMCR's vibrant and collegial spirit, foster membership engagement outside of the main conference times, and provide more visibility for the research that early-stage scholars do.
IAMCR has organised six webinars since the launch of its Webinar Series in March 2021. In this article, Dr. Andrea Medrado, IAMCR vice president and coordinator of the IAMCR webinar series, talks about the experience of organising the webinars and the importance of opening channels for engagement and participation in addition to the association’s annual conference.
07 October, 2021 - The Participatory Communication Research Section sponsored a webinar to present the book "The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America”. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
09 June 2021 - The Media Education Research Section hosted the pre-recording of its special session for the 2021 IAMCR Conference titled Is Media Education a Movement or a Field? as part of the IAMCR webinar series. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
04 June 2021 - The Gender and Communication Section organised the webinar ‘Ecologies of care’, health and despair in the Covid-19 pandemic age: the care manifesto as part of the IAMCR Webinar Series. The webinar featured presentations by top scholars in the fields of Gender and Sociology.
20 May 2021 - The Communication Policy and Technology Section organised a webinar to present the book “Re-imagining Communication in Africa and the Caribbean: Global South Issues in Media, Culture and Technology”. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
30 April, 2021 - The Journalism Research and Education Section sponsored a webinar / book launch where scholars in the field presented their recently released or forthcoming books. Watch it at the IAMCR Webinars Channel on Vimeo.
19 March 2021 IAMCR launched its Webinar Series with the webinar titled "Digital Divide and Digital Inclusion", addressing the issue of digital gaps and focused on integration opportunities for different social groups. The event was co-hosted by the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University and IAMCR Digital Divide Working Group.