The Sustainable Development Goals Programme

Delivering real progress against urgent societal needs

Springer Nature's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Programme aims to connect the researchers who are tackling the world’s toughest challenges with the practitioners in policy and business who desperately need those insights to achieve their goals in improving the world, by making our publishing activities more visible to our key communities through a variety of channels.

data © Springer Nature"The themes of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are inspirational to us at Springer Nature. Across our publishing and services and across the disciplines, we are focusing on helping researchers make the world a better place for future generations." -Sir Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of Springer Nature 

Examining researcher attitudes to societal impact

In partnership with The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), we surveyed researchers globally to understand how they approach funding and communicating research, as well as how they measure societal and academic impact. Here the data is shared according to each SDG focus. Learn more about the overall project here.